Lulu Wrote:
Hi Dania,
I see you talk about Parts Models in NYC, but I live in Los Angeles. Does it make sense to send any photos to them?
Hi, Lulu and thanks for the question! After reviewing their site, it does not say they specifically only represent parts models within a certain area or region so you should definitely give it a shot and send in pictures. Even with the distance, if they really like you, I'm sure they will work with you around the whole distance situation. They may even only book you for work in the LA area. Who knows? But there's only one way to find out!
Good luck!
PS: I've been told this answer I provided is wrong and plain crazy to advise someone. To back up my answer, I see nothing wrong with sending an application to an area you are not located in. Even if it is just to receive a rejection notice. You never know what is possible unless you try and because of petite models like Isobella Jade, the world of parts modeling is gaining momentum. Will it outshine fashion modeling? Probably not, but there are clients in need of parts models all over the nation so even if Lulu does not find success with Parts Models in NYC, maybe she will find it closer to home. It is not my place--nor anyone's place--to tell someone what they can or cannot do. I simply want to empower people to make their own decisions and reach for their goals...even if they don't make it at least they will have walked away knowing they tried. And that in my opinion, is what matters. I am not concerned with other modeling advice sites that put down those that are trying to make it in the industry. If it weren't for all the aspiring models out there, the modeling industry wouldn't be as successful so it should be glad that there are those willing to defy the odds to see if they can make it. They are not hurting anyone and it's up to them to find out the truth for themselves. My readers and I are well aware of what the reality is--I'm just not nasty about it like other sites.