Check Out My Entry--I'd Love Your Vote!

Hey, all! I'm in yet another contest and I really want to win this one! You can either click on the banner below or you can click HERE to vote for me 15 times a day! You have to sign up for a free account, which is simple and easy to do. Once you've done that, you can vote for me 15 times everyday!

Each week the top 6 most voted girls will make it to the semifinals. Once voting has ended, the remaining 72 gals (each of the 72 will be required to upload a 5-minute video of themselves modeling swimwear, which will require more votes from online fans and the judges) will be reduced to the final 12. The 12 girls get an all-expenses paid trip to South Beach, FL, to participate in the Project Breakout Swimsuit Calendar. One of the 12 girls will be the grand prize winner who will receive a one-year modeling contract with Sugar Free Swimwear, as well as become the featured model on the website

I'd LOVE your vote!

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